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  • 达拉沙利文
    贝格斯位于75号高速公路以西的16号高速公路上,交通便利. 它位于塔尔萨以南31英里,距离奥克穆尔吉只有16英里. It was a boomtown in its day during the 1918 era for oil and gas - lease buying and drilling. At one point it had 52 businesses consisting of construction and wholesale as well as trade establishments. 贝格斯说 was involved with the Dawes Commission and their authority over Native Americans. 法庭听取了贝格斯关于偷窃牲畜等问题的申诉. 目前, 贝格斯的行业包括医疗保健, 社会救助, 制造业, 及教育服务. 到2020年,人口接近1400人. 多年来,贝格斯公立学校培养了几位优秀的运动员. 最近, 贝格斯说 has reached levels of state championship play not seen in some time and several of its players continued into the college level. 目前,www.利基市场.网站最近将该地区评为B级. 该地区在扶轮社、活动和多样性方面的评分很高. 总体而言,该地区的师生比例保持在17:1. 贝格斯说, 就像塔尔萨地铁以南的大多数小城镇一样, 是一个安静的乡村, and somewhat agricultural town with great access to the larger Metro Area of Tulsa. 大多数娱乐活动都涉及户外活动和大自然. Other outings such as going to the mall or movies can be done with a short half-hour drive. 贝格斯有很强的安静感,有空间可以漫步. 所以当你开车经过的时候,一定要给它一个机会!
  • Tj's Bar and Grill已经成为贝格斯的一家知名餐厅. 我昨天顺便去吃了个汉堡,食物太好吃了. 现在营业到晚上11点.m. 周五和周六,不要错过这个地方. 此外,塔可周二是一个必须参加的活动.
  • 问当地专家一个关于乞丐的问题.
    I had the opportunity to take my lovely wife out to dinner Saturday night to the RV Ranch Grill and Bar in 贝格斯说, 俄克拉何马州. 这个地方有好吃的食物和合理的价格. 真的很忙,在品尝了他们美味的食物后,我明白为什么了. Specials 公司lude all-you-can-eat catfish on Thursdays and smoked prime rib dinner on Fridays. 这个地方位于丘陵以南的l-75高速公路旁,应有尽有. 冰啤酒、鸡尾酒、牛排和汉堡. 这里有适合每个人的东西. 这里的氛围是家庭友好的,有一个古老的西部主题. 工作人员很友好,乐于助人. If you need some recommendations on what to eat, they can help with that too. 我点的是白肉汁炸鸡排和土豆. It was huge, my wife and I could have shared the huge portions that hung off of the plate. 如果你正在寻找一个新的目的地去探索和充实, 看看没有进一步的RV牧场烧烤和酒吧.
  • The Feedlot Smokehouse and Diner is the newest addition to the downtown 贝格斯说 culinary scene. Offering delicious BBQ, fried chicken, sandwiches, chicken bites, and giant specialty burgers. Both for dine-in or to go, everyone can find something to eat at the Feedlot Smokehouse. I personally got to try out this place for lunch and was very impressed by the friendly staff and the quantity of the portions. 烧烤猪肉三明治棒极了. 如果你想在贝格斯寻找一些新的尝试, 看看饲养场熏制房和晚餐吧.
  • 贝格家族的很多人, 俄克拉何马州 community are without water and are having to pull together as a community to help one another. 有水的市民实行定量配给, so the water tower can begin to fill again to create the pressure needed to supply the community. Potable water stations have been set up at the Preston 学校 bus barn for everyone to use and take water home. Hang in there 贝格斯说, warmer weather is coming and things should return back to normal soon. There are social media sites for the community that have the newest information about this situation and where to find help. 在Facebook上寻找贝格斯说社区页面.
  • 问当地专家一个关于乞丐的问题.
    贝格斯是一个心胸宽广的乡村小镇. 有几家商店, 杂货店, 一些餐馆, 加油站, 花店, 还有小镇上的活动. 回到我十几岁的时候, 最重要的是去汽车影院, 来一杯樱桃香草可乐, 在大街上闲逛,直到你找到一个朋友. Then we would pull over into the middle of the street so we could just catch up. It is a great community to raise a family along with some cows, chickens, pigs, and crops.
  • I was fortunate to spend an exciting day photographing a successful bird hunt. While my friend trained his dog, I got a good look at the hunting land near 贝格斯说,好. 位于奥克穆尔吉县, 贝格斯说 offers some of the nicest field and upland hunting opportunities in the state. Just south of 贝格斯说, a small farm and ranch community where the people are nice and friendly. 贝格斯是俄克拉何马州一个非常适合居住的地方.
  • 下城贝格斯的新成员是佩妮餐厅. 位于角落, this once local laundromat has been transformed and revitalized into a home town diner with great food and local character. The burgers offered here are 1/4 pound, 1/2 pound, and a full pound portion. 炸鸡排是主要的主食. 佩妮餐厅每周提供特价餐,晚餐时间非常忙.上周我有幸在这里用餐,下次再来. The service is unbeatable and eating here is like being transformed back to the 1950's. 他们提供自制派,值得你去一趟. 下次进城的时候去佩妮餐厅看看.
  • 我在贝格斯的谢弗汽车餐厅(Shaffer’s Drive-In)停了下来,就像我在城里经常做的那样. Shaffer's Drive-In是一个活动场所. 这是一种倒退到1950年代风格的开车餐厅. Here you can often find locals grabbing a chicken basket, burger, some fries or my favorite...樱桃香草胡椒博士. 我在格林郡各地都吃过特别的胡椒博士. From Sonic Burgers to the Dairy Queen, but no one does it better than Shaffer's Drive-In.

    当你在城里寻找房产或只是参加一个活动时, 一定要去谢弗汽车餐厅随便吃点东西. 饿着来,饱着走. The locals are friendly and the high school kids who take your orders are great too. 偶尔, 当地镇上的狗会过来从你那里得到一两根薯条, 但这只是这个地方魅力的一部分. It can get quite busy over here in the evenings because the food can't be beat. 如果你在贝格斯,不要错过谢弗汽车餐厅, 就在贝格斯市中心的75号高速公路和16号高速公路旁边.
  • 贝格斯有很多东西可以提供. 那是我高中毕业的小镇. 我的父母和其他家庭成员仍然住在那里. 它有一种古老的感觉, 但如果你离开主干道,走上一些乡村道路, 这里有一种平和和平静. 你可以开几英里都不会遇到其他车辆. 牛和马看着你,好像在说:“你在这里做什么?? 你是来喂我的吗?". I really enjoy getting off of the main roads and doing some backroads driving and photography. We miss so much in our everyday travels by always being in a hurry and following the same ol' routes. 节奏的变化总是一种享受.
  • 我还是个孩子的时候, 在农村有水之前, 这是我们把水桶装满的地方. 我爸爸会让我们爬上平台,操作水泵. The metal tube would reach from the spout of the pump to the barrels in the back of the truck. The water was so cold and tasted so much better than the water that comes out of the tap today. 在炎热的夏天, my cousins and I would ride our bicycles down to the old well and get a cold drink and splash ourselves with it. 这张图就是今天那口井的样子. 杂草丛生,不再使用. 但这些记忆将永远活在我的脑海里.
  • 问当地专家一个关于乞丐的问题.
    贝格斯说, 俄克拉何马州 is located approximately 40 minutes south of Tulsa and about 20 minutes north of Okmulgee. 位于奥克穆尔吉县, 贝格斯说 offers some of the nicest field and upland hunting opportunities in the state. Just south of 贝格斯说 is the Deep Fork Wildlife Refuge that is open to the public for hunting and fishing. 贝格斯说 is a small farm and ranch community and the people are nice and friendly. 贝格斯是俄克拉何马州一个非常适合居住的地方.

